What is ThermiVa?

ThermiVa is an amazing, non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment that tightens and increases sensitivity to the internal and external vaginal area; it tightens the vaginal canal, corrects menopause-induced dryness, and tightens the labia.

Who is a candidate?

Otherwise healthy women who

  • Feel "loose" vaginally since childbirth and/or menopause
  • Feel dry during intercourse
  • Have trouble reaching orgasm
  • Occasionally dribble or leak
  • Occasionally do not quite make it to the bathroom on time

How is it done?

ThermiVa is a comfortable in-office, 30-minute procedure with no downtime. Complete results require 3 treatments, spaced one month apart, and 1 treatment after one year.

ThermiVa uses a single-use, non-surgical RF applicator specifically designed for the labia and vaginal canal. By heating the skin and mucosa, ThemiVa produces immediate contraction, remodeling, and elasticity of collagen. You'll see results from your first treatment — without discomfort or downtime. You can resume all activities the same day — including sexual intercourse.

What to expect:

Studies show that all patients experience significantly improved laxity.

  • Tighter more youthful labia
  • Heightened sexual sensitivity
  • Improves bladder leakage
  • Addresses fallen bladder and rectum
  • Corrects vaginal dryness
  • Improves atrophic vaginitis — improved moisture and comfort
  • Improves stress urinary incontinence — noticeable reductions and leakage
  • Improves orgasmic dysfunction — noticeable improvements reported

Patients are able to resume all activity, including sexual intercourse, as normal, immediately after each ThermiVa treatment.

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